
The developers of AirServer, an AirPlay receiver for Mac and PC, are completing the works on the long-awaited Windows version with recording and need your help with real world testing. So if you’re feeling adventurous, visit their download page, grab a copy of “AirServer for PC – version 2.0 beta with recording”, try it out and don’t forget to give your feedback after a couple days of hard testing.

AirServer allows your computer to receive and display AirPlay streams from your iOS device or mirroring-enabled computer. Using AirServer, you can wirelessly share your iPad or iPhone display to your computer, and from there, to your projector, smartboard or HDTV.

Check out this video to learn more about AirServer:

AirServer is sold at $14.99 for Mac and Windows version (there is also free 7 day trial) and you can get it from here.