Recently, there has been a lot of rumors on Apple bringing their own TV streaming service to Apple TV. We also reported that Apple is closing deals with the entertainment giant, Time Warner. And now, its time for something unique. Talk about ‘Think Different’ and nobody does that better than Apple.
Most of our cable services work based on royalties and revenue sharing with the media networks. And this makes them expensive. But Apple wants to strip off the ads in their content and just pay for the ad views they lost. Sounds just to me.
So, what that mean? Here is what our guts say: to begin with, there will be a free or cheap streaming service, supporting ads. And there will be another premium offering. Shed some more bucks and you get to enjoy adless content.
Ad supported content might have sounded very un-Apple-y, a couple of months back. But with the announcement of iRadio, we know that Apple has started loving the freemium strategy.
Amidst all this mess, we can be sure of just one thing. However things might turn out, we will soon see the Apple TV supporting TV channels along with the online content. Golden times ahead!
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